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The Survey application on the Meru Data Governance Tool allows you to conduct surveys with the purpose of gathering information related to different systems in the datamap. These surveys can be distributed to internal or external parties and among individuals or groups to collate information regarding different attributes of a system.

How do Surveys help?

The information gathered from surveys helps with identifying potential privacy and security risks and with adding new details to the systems. This information can be incorporated into the data maps to make changes based on the outcome of the surveys. Regular surveys and their analyses ensure that the required controls are implemented and the information in the data maps is up-to-date and relevant.

Pre-defined Templates

The pre-defined templates serve as an easy way to conduct surveys by providing various templates for different types of surveys. Templates are available for conducting privacy impact assessments, vendor security reviews, periodic assessments, and so on.

The templates have pre-defined sets of questions, based on the type of survey, that can be customized to suit user requirements.

1. Vendor Security Review Template:

The vendor security review template consists of questions that are to be answered by a vendor in order for you to understand and evaluate their security measures. The questions can range from their data sharing policies, to the technology/tool/services they use, to the internal tests they conduct, etc. This survey helps you understand the vendor’s security position and provides inputs for necessary changes to ensure their compliance with your business or legal requirements.

2. Privacy Impact Assessment Template:

The privacy impact assessment template is designed to study the how Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is being collected, its storage, location, accessibility, backup, retention, etc. The questions are tailored to understand how privacy protections are incorporated and how PII is governed throughout the data lifecycle.

3. Quarterly Assessment Template:

The quarterly assessment template consists of questions that help analyze the privacy and risk positions of different systems. It helps study what information is stored within a system and how. These assessments are intended to be carried out on a quarterly basis to improve the overall security of the data within the system.


  1. Create A Survey

  2. Survey Group Creation & Distribution

  3. Viewing Survey Answers

  4. Viewing Surveys on Dashboard

  5. Archiving Distributions

  6. Self Service Link